Impact Revenue was founded in 2018. Travis Pickens and Bobby Kumparak decided to start an independent agency after having worked for two of the largest administrators in the business.
They felt they could provide their clients with a better product at a lower cost.
Jason Bignell came on board in 2020 and added a deeper in-store training skill set.
The team can be reached at:


Travis Pickens started in the auto industry in the early 2000’s working at tent sales around the country for Event Sales Inc. When he graduated from UC Davis in 2006, he went to work for Universal Underwriters which later became Zurich. He stayed at Zurich until 2018 during which time he grew one of the largest books of F&I business in the country doing almost $50m in F&I premium annually. In 2018, he left to start Impact Revenue.
Travis holds a bachelors in Economics from UC Davis and a Masters in Business Administration with a focus on Organizational Behavior from UC Davis.
m. 406.291.1315
Bobby Kumparak
m. 415.666.6458